Neferpitou | U-Chi Con

What’s new, pussycat?
I don’t cosplay villains very often, but Neferpitou, a wonderfully realized character from the iconic anime Hunter x Hunter, had to be an exception to the rule. No spoilers, so I’ll just say that if you know, you know, and if you don’t know, go watch Hunter x Hunter, specifically the Chimera Ant Arc. You won’t regret it.
I wore this cosplay to U-Chi Con, hosted by the University of Chicago, a few weeks ago. It was a small convention, but a really fun one! The University of Chicago is a remarkably beautiful campus, and the graceful gothic architecture offered an amazing backdrop for photos and videos. It was a great chance to run into some cosplay friends and catch up, as well as work with some of the fantastic photographers who turned out.
I’ve mentioned this before, but one thing that has been really interesting about the past couple of years is having other people take my picture! For a very long time I worked totally alone - I was stylist, set designer, model, photographer, and editor, which meant I was doing a lot of work but also that I had a lot of control over every stage of the process. These days, it’s hard to find the time to work on my photography the way that I would like to, and that’s something that I want to make a priority. Afrodyte Charlotte has been something of a mentor for me in helping me take my photography skills to the next level, and while I love working with her and seeing the amazing shots that she gets, I know that I’ll only grow my practicing on my own.
Costume notes! I’m going to start including these in my cosplay posts, because switching from vintage to cosplay didn’t make me any less of a shopoholic so I’m in a good position to review things.
The costume is from the Haikyuu store on Amazon. It was $50 and is a decent value for the price - the buttons all fell off when I tried it on for the first time (boo), but that’s so easily fixed it hardly counts as a problem. Otherwise, it’s decently made of comfortable material. I ordered a Large based on the size chart, but I could have easily taken a medium instead. I find the ears a little flimsy, so I will probably upgrade them before I wear this cosplay again, but your mileage may vary. Overall, 7/10 for quality, fit, and overall ease of ordering.
Photos by @Afrodyte87