Pro and Con(ventions) Part 2 - WYD?

If you’ve never been to a con before, one question that you might be asking yourself is, “what do people even do all day?” That answer can vary wildly depending on your interests, and at most cons there’s a little something for everyone! Whether you’re a party animal, a gamer, an information seeker, a shopper, or you just want to show off your cosplay, here’s what you can expect from most conventions.
I have to kick this off with one of my favorite things to do at a con - shopping! Depending on the size of the convention, there may be both a “merch” section with things like toys, games, and clothes and accessories, and a dedicated Artist’s Alley with things like paintings and posters; at smaller cons, these may be all together in one room. My favorite things to buy are enamel pins and artwork of characters that I cosplay, but after spending WAAAAAAY too much on some prop weapons at a convention last year, I’ve decided to steer clear of cosplay items.
I have to admit that I rarely attend panels, but they are one of the biggest points of interest at a con. Panels can vary widely in terms of topic and execution, from relatively straightforward discussion sessions (I helped host one about cosplay and mental health, for example) and celebrity Q&A sessions to spell writing tutorials and trivia contests. The largest convention that I’ve attended, DragonCon, even has certain “tracks” (costuming, writing, even military, which I found slightly weird but that’s definitely A Thing for a big chunk of the sci-fi community) that you can join that will direct you to various panels relating to your interests.
Contests and Competitions
Costumes and costume contests of various stripes have been a convention staple since the earliest days (all the way back to 1939!), and they continue to grow and evolve as cosplayers use more and more advanced techniques to create them. I’ve seen some that are truly incredible, especially considering that they’re being made at home by amateurs. Stunning Renaissance gowns, sci-fi armor crafted entirely from foam, cel-shaded clothing and body paint that practically tricks the eye into thinking the wearer is 2-dimensional. Knit cosplay, painted cosplay, naked cosplay; cosplay that requires carrying around an elaborate set or an enormous sword; even cosplay with a bodybuilding component! (Did I mention I won one of the last kind?) Whether you want to jump on stage and compete or just admire the artistry, the various cosplay competitions are always a highlight.
Other contests that you might see advertised around the con are dance competitions (k-pop dancing is especially hot), talent shows, or (I would have entered this one if I’d known about it in advance) pro wrestling!
Dances and Parties
A lot of cons (particularly anime cons, it seems) also have a big nightlife component, with concerts and raves kicking off once the show floor closes. The raves have turned out to be one of my favorite things about going to cons - goofing around with my friends, people watching, enjoying the music, and dancing my ass off. One of my goals for this year is to go-go dance on stage a con, actually!
Taking Photos
If you’re going to a convention and want great photos for Instagram (or, you know, yourself, but whatever), it’s pretty easy to arrange shoots with reputable photographers. Many photographers do charge, and if you can afford it professional photos are certainly worth the price for lasting memories. Oftentimes, though, there are photographers who collaborate for free, and you might be able to connect with them via Facebook or Instagram. On the flip side, if you like taking photos, most cosplayers are thrilled to be asked for a picture.
Spending Time with Friends
I’ve never attended a con alone, and personally, I don’t think I’d want to. Wandering off by myself for a bit can be fun, but a huge part of my con-going experience revolves around spending a weekend with my friends wondering around and playing music, looking at all the cool stuff for sale, stepping outside to imbibe, playing wingman for the single folks, or spending way too much time in the hotel room just debating which costume to wear.
And on that borderline “the real treasure was the friends we made along the way” note, I’ll leave it at that! I’m sure there are other activities that I didn’t think of mention, but what it boils down to is that there’s always something to do at a con.
If you’ve attended a con, what are your favorite activities? If you haven’t, which ones are you most interested in?